We never disappear.
We are about 8 million metric tons end up in the ocean every year (from your plastic waste - bottles, bags and doodads) then in the ocean, due to the effects of weathering, sunlight and wave action, we reduce us to smaller particles; many of us break down into tiny pieces. Then, we are called microplastics monsters.
We do not go away but build up to create a gigantic “plastic ocean soup”.
This plastic soup is growing every day. Over the next 10 years, the plastic soup could double in size. At this speed, we grow as much as 8 football fields every second.
This plastic soup consists mainly of plastic bottles (PET1), straws and caps (PP 5), plastic cutlery and toothbrushes (PS6), toys and balloons (PVC3) and, above all, of plastic bags (LDPE4 and PE-HD2).
The oceans occupy 72% of the earth’s surface and they are your principal source of oxygen. So if we succeed in invading it, we will be the masters of the world!
In ocean environments, we are deadly for many marine animals because we don't degrade biologically.
In addition, toxins are released from us. All sorts of organisms living in or off the sea – even the smallest of zooplankton – mistakenly eat us. Marine life eats us because we smell like food and they don't see the difference between their food and your waste...
This results in the often toxic waste to enter your food chain.
We are everywhere, even in Arctic.
And the good news is that we cannot be collected, we are too small and then we become invisible. Sailors who know the immensity of the Ocean realize that “collection” is useless considering the extent of the plague that we create.
"the worst threat is the one you don't see."
Microplastic PET 1.
1 Plastic bottle can break up over time into 10,000 pieces of micro plastic.
Microplastic PE-HD 2.
Microplastic PVC 3.
Microplastic LDPE 4.
Thanks to us, 100,000 animals are killed every year! Turtles think we are Jelly Fish. Birds and fish think we are something tasty and are eating us, so you can meet me again in your table in your food when you eat some fish, honey, salt and drink water.
Microplastic PP 5.
Microplastic PS6.
Microplastic 7.